Finally some updates. Well her second christmas was alot more fun than her first, naturally. Although by the 4th gift she was already tired of opening presents. We do have lots of pictures and videos and I'll get to those as soon as possible.
For now how about some verbal updates on her developments.
We've stopped counting teeth as she is growing them in faster than we can count and sticking our fingers in her mouth is not beneficial to our digit safety any longer. Suffice it to say she has enough now. She is feeding herself and beginning to use a spoon to feed herself. She is still a VERY picky eater. So we struggle with that daily. She is an expert walker and runner now. She LOVES her books and has pretty much an unending vocabulary. She mimics about everything you say and is beginning with multiple word sentences now. She climbs on and off furniture without falling now and walking upstairs most of the time holding onto the railing. She is more little girl than she is toddler or baby these days. We are amazed at how she has changed in a year. She looks nothing like that chubby little thing we had last Christmas. Time does fly.
I'll get those Christmas pictures and videos up soon.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
She's A Walkin!!!!
I am about a week or so late with this Blog and I apologize. But when you know now that she is finally walking those mommies out there will understand. Boy dies she keep us a hoppin!!!! All she wants to do now is walk everywhere and mostly outside. She LOVES being outdoors. So after a mad rush of cleaning indoors she is outside until nap time. She is so much happier and her personality is changing daily now. She is so much the toddler/little girl now and no real baby left in her anymore. We're climbing things, and sliding and swinging and learning how to run and everything a little girl would do. She isn't a baby any longer, and I admit (and I know mommy feels the same) we really miss that baby sometimes. Although not the late night stuff. She's totally on solid foods and transitioning nicely to a sippy cup and just really growing up so fast now. Every day brings so many changes. We do have some videos of her first steps and will take some new ones of her actually walking now.
Our vocabulary skills have also grown since the walking. Our list of words...
night night
bye bye
baba (bottle)
Kyle (which is her Uncle Kyle)
and some non-descript sets of sounds that always mean outside yet isn't the word outside. Don't know where that came from?
So every day is something new with her as she discovers all the things she can do now. She is so giggly and funny, always trying to get you're attention now with her antics. Typical silly little girl.
So hopefully tomorrow we'll have at least her first steps video up and some real walking ones in the coming days.
Our vocabulary skills have also grown since the walking. Our list of words...
night night
bye bye
baba (bottle)
Kyle (which is her Uncle Kyle)
and some non-descript sets of sounds that always mean outside yet isn't the word outside. Don't know where that came from?
So every day is something new with her as she discovers all the things she can do now. She is so giggly and funny, always trying to get you're attention now with her antics. Typical silly little girl.
So hopefully tomorrow we'll have at least her first steps video up and some real walking ones in the coming days.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
She's Really Talking
I can't believe I forgot to even mention her vocabulary skills these days. We suspect that's why she isn't making serious progress in walking. We're spending all out brain power on talking. To date she says... bye bye (with waving) night night, mama, puppy, cracker, and Kristen swears she can here her trying to say Grandma. We have more words on the brink because we chatter away constantly like a little monkey. Just a matter of time before she puts them together with an object. A year ago she wasn't even smiling yet and now look at her. So many changes they make in such short time. Kristen took a couple of adorable pictures recently and as soon as she downloads them off the camera I'll put them up. You'll just love them. Till then
Monday, July 21, 2008
The First Year Birthday Party and Naming Ceremony
Normally a naming ceremony is done the first months after birthday. But it never seemed like we could coordinate everyone's schedule for last summer or even early fall so we opted for her first birthday. So Belly has a Celtic Naming Ceremony which essentially was many blessings said to her for a happy and healthy life. It was a great party. Everyone had a wonderful time. Belly was excellently behaved (being it took place after her nap) and we have tons of pictures and videos. I'm thinking of posting the pictures on another site with a link to it instead of putting everything on here. If that's accomplished the link will be in this post.
Okay here is the link for the entire days events at Photo Bucket. Enjoy. There are ALOT of photos so have some sit down time before you view them all.
Birthday Party Photos
Okay here is the link for the entire days events at Photo Bucket. Enjoy. There are ALOT of photos so have some sit down time before you view them all.
Birthday Party Photos
So Much Going On
I have so much catching up to do on here and I will try as best I can to remember everything that has been going on in Belly's life these last few months. Aside from her first birthday party, which will be in a subsequent post she has made so many accomplishments.
First off, she is finally crawling normally. For the time being she sees this as the best mode of transportation and is not walking on her own yet. Although we are getting close and braver. She takes a step or two sometimes from one object to the next.
Second, we have 9 teeth now and are almost transitioned all the way over the adult food. She got very sick and tired of baby food and was refusing to eat much of anything. She's excellent at managing the 9 teeth she does have so we figured it's time.
Next, she is being transitioned off a bottle and onto at least a sippy cup although she does really well on a regular cup (with our help of course)
She is getting really tall and she's into 18-24 months clothing now. We finally managed to get her a decent array of summer clothes. Only took half the summer :) Now to get into fall and winter clothes. Seems like summer is so short around here.
We still find it so hard to believe a whole year has gone by since her arrival.
Let me see what else has been going on. OH yeah how could I forget that one afternoon not to long ago. I imagine every mother has gone through this at least once. Well one day she was up for her nap. She had on cloth diapers and her diaper cover and no bottoms on over the diapers and cover. We don't usually do that as she has taken to ripping her diaper and cover off from time to time. Well this particular afternoon she did just that only she had poopied, of course. Well after 3 hours she was so quiet we began to get a little worried. She hadn't taken 3 hour naps since she was about 6 months old. So I went to peak in to see if she was okay and was met with a most foul smell. You guessed it. She had been finger painting with the only available material. I called mom and dad up, took her into the bathroom for an early bath and left THEM to clean up the nursery :) I figured I'd already done this once before with her uncle so it was their turn. They thought it was funnier than I did when it happened to me. But then there were 3 people to clean up the mess instead of one exhausted mother.
Another fun story. About 7 weeks ago we attended another dog show with Belly in tow of course. Our first one since she was about 4 months old. This time she definitely knew it wasn't home and didn't sleep well at all exhausting all of us. But the fun part was she had her first introduction to a pool. IT was indoors so it was bath water warm. Well she took to it like a fish in water. I really wish I had the camera handy at the time. It was the funniest thing in the world. She splashed and tried to swim and swallowed alot of water. But none the worse for wear. She just had such a great time.
I think that's about all our accomplishments as far as developmentally. Now in the next post will be her birthday part with LOTS of pictures.
First off, she is finally crawling normally. For the time being she sees this as the best mode of transportation and is not walking on her own yet. Although we are getting close and braver. She takes a step or two sometimes from one object to the next.
Second, we have 9 teeth now and are almost transitioned all the way over the adult food. She got very sick and tired of baby food and was refusing to eat much of anything. She's excellent at managing the 9 teeth she does have so we figured it's time.
Next, she is being transitioned off a bottle and onto at least a sippy cup although she does really well on a regular cup (with our help of course)
She is getting really tall and she's into 18-24 months clothing now. We finally managed to get her a decent array of summer clothes. Only took half the summer :) Now to get into fall and winter clothes. Seems like summer is so short around here.
We still find it so hard to believe a whole year has gone by since her arrival.
Let me see what else has been going on. OH yeah how could I forget that one afternoon not to long ago. I imagine every mother has gone through this at least once. Well one day she was up for her nap. She had on cloth diapers and her diaper cover and no bottoms on over the diapers and cover. We don't usually do that as she has taken to ripping her diaper and cover off from time to time. Well this particular afternoon she did just that only she had poopied, of course. Well after 3 hours she was so quiet we began to get a little worried. She hadn't taken 3 hour naps since she was about 6 months old. So I went to peak in to see if she was okay and was met with a most foul smell. You guessed it. She had been finger painting with the only available material. I called mom and dad up, took her into the bathroom for an early bath and left THEM to clean up the nursery :) I figured I'd already done this once before with her uncle so it was their turn. They thought it was funnier than I did when it happened to me. But then there were 3 people to clean up the mess instead of one exhausted mother.
Another fun story. About 7 weeks ago we attended another dog show with Belly in tow of course. Our first one since she was about 4 months old. This time she definitely knew it wasn't home and didn't sleep well at all exhausting all of us. But the fun part was she had her first introduction to a pool. IT was indoors so it was bath water warm. Well she took to it like a fish in water. I really wish I had the camera handy at the time. It was the funniest thing in the world. She splashed and tried to swim and swallowed alot of water. But none the worse for wear. She just had such a great time.
I think that's about all our accomplishments as far as developmentally. Now in the next post will be her birthday part with LOTS of pictures.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
So Much To Catch Up On
I am really sorry for this looong lapse in posting here. You know how busy toddlers keep you on your toes. Yes she is a toddler now. Well almost I think.
Belly is cruisiung up a storm. The videos will prove that. She also has 5 teeth now and we think another one coming in soon given how cranky she is, red cheeked and chewing on her fingers alot. She is beginning to eat our food now although somewhat reluctantly at times. She loves peanut butter on toast and jelly on toast. She loves her Teddy Grahams and regular graham crackers. Ice cream naturally, and lest we forget chocolate milk. Well Ovaltine actually. She has figured out how to crawl regularly but we switch back and forth between regular crawl and arm crawl. We know how to stand up on almost anything now and we have our first pair of big girl shoes so we keep our feet flat on the floor now. We can pick our cookies up ourselves and and we love to throw our food around when we're done eating. Or bat it out of grandma and mom's hands when we don't require anymore. We RUN in our walker and we're beginning to climb out of it. So I suspect that won't be long for storage.
We LOVE being outdoors now and we have a couple of lawn toys which I have pictures of her playing in. Compliments of her cousin Jake Rundell.
Let me see, what else is going on in her life these days. Well we're 10 months old now. I guess the videos and pictures will tell more. So here they are and enjoy...
Belly is cruisiung up a storm. The videos will prove that. She also has 5 teeth now and we think another one coming in soon given how cranky she is, red cheeked and chewing on her fingers alot. She is beginning to eat our food now although somewhat reluctantly at times. She loves peanut butter on toast and jelly on toast. She loves her Teddy Grahams and regular graham crackers. Ice cream naturally, and lest we forget chocolate milk. Well Ovaltine actually. She has figured out how to crawl regularly but we switch back and forth between regular crawl and arm crawl. We know how to stand up on almost anything now and we have our first pair of big girl shoes so we keep our feet flat on the floor now. We can pick our cookies up ourselves and and we love to throw our food around when we're done eating. Or bat it out of grandma and mom's hands when we don't require anymore. We RUN in our walker and we're beginning to climb out of it. So I suspect that won't be long for storage.
We LOVE being outdoors now and we have a couple of lawn toys which I have pictures of her playing in. Compliments of her cousin Jake Rundell.
Let me see, what else is going on in her life these days. Well we're 10 months old now. I guess the videos and pictures will tell more. So here they are and enjoy...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Much To Catch Up On
So sorry for the serious lack of posts on here. It's just been busy around here is all. Hopefully I won't forget anything. So here goes ...
Well Belly has her two top teeth in now. They came in with much incident with the first and nothing with the second, thankfully. Belly is back to her happy go lucky, bossy self :). She is REALLY changing and growing. We are on all baby foods and beginning to graduate a little to people foods. Mostly yogurt and of course chocolate milk. We're switching her over to whole cows milk now and she's doing just fine with it. She isn't crawling in the traditional sense but she does get around with the standard Army crawl. Appears she prefers this for the time being. I suspect she still has her eyes on the ultimate baby prize... WALKING!!!! Which brings me to another first. About a week ago she pulled herself up in her crib for the first time and now we do it every time nap and beddy time are over. We think we're pretty clever these days. We even take a few sideways cruisin steps now. Nothing yet downstairs as I think the furniture is just to high for her to reach. She prefers our fingers when it's walking time anyway (sadly for our backs).
We've discovered facial features such as our noses, mouths etc. and we're none to gentle with them. I think she is hoping they come off for some play but alas only scratches and screams from the attached human :) She is a brute when it comes to this game.
She has one kitty left that tolerates her now and this cat confuses us. Belly abuses the you know what out of her and she just comes back for more pain! Go figure?
Let me see what else am I forgetting. Belly has another dog show coming up next weekend in Syracuse, NY. Should be fun with her being older and less demanding???
Her first Easter is two days away and she is spending it at her great grandmother and grandfather's home. Hopefully I'll remember the camera and then remember to actually take pictures.
I'm not sure if I have any current pictures to upload here but I'll check and put them in another post.
I think that's it for now.
Well Belly has her two top teeth in now. They came in with much incident with the first and nothing with the second, thankfully. Belly is back to her happy go lucky, bossy self :). She is REALLY changing and growing. We are on all baby foods and beginning to graduate a little to people foods. Mostly yogurt and of course chocolate milk. We're switching her over to whole cows milk now and she's doing just fine with it. She isn't crawling in the traditional sense but she does get around with the standard Army crawl. Appears she prefers this for the time being. I suspect she still has her eyes on the ultimate baby prize... WALKING!!!! Which brings me to another first. About a week ago she pulled herself up in her crib for the first time and now we do it every time nap and beddy time are over. We think we're pretty clever these days. We even take a few sideways cruisin steps now. Nothing yet downstairs as I think the furniture is just to high for her to reach. She prefers our fingers when it's walking time anyway (sadly for our backs).
We've discovered facial features such as our noses, mouths etc. and we're none to gentle with them. I think she is hoping they come off for some play but alas only scratches and screams from the attached human :) She is a brute when it comes to this game.
She has one kitty left that tolerates her now and this cat confuses us. Belly abuses the you know what out of her and she just comes back for more pain! Go figure?
Let me see what else am I forgetting. Belly has another dog show coming up next weekend in Syracuse, NY. Should be fun with her being older and less demanding???
Her first Easter is two days away and she is spending it at her great grandmother and grandfather's home. Hopefully I'll remember the camera and then remember to actually take pictures.
I'm not sure if I have any current pictures to upload here but I'll check and put them in another post.
I think that's it for now.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Belly's Hot Date
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sorry for the lengthy lapse in time between updates on Belly Bottoms. Life has been pretty busy around here lately. So on to the updates...
Belly continues to refuse to get up on her knees. We suspect it's largely because she is working hard on her walking skills. Only one thing at a time, you know :) The other day, while mommy was changing her, she pulled herself up on her changing table to a standing position. Twice as a matter of fact. She refuses to do it for grandma. Much like the turning over issue when mommy spent months trying to get her to turn over for her. Eventually I'll catch her in the act!
She is quite the expert in her walker now. Flying around the house and beginning to get into everything. Well everything she can reach. She especially loves hanging around the dog crates visiting with the pups. They, of course, love the extra attention. She has outgrown her Rainforest Bouncer now. Why sit still and bounce when you can walk all over the house. She still prefers walking on our fingers when she can talk us into it. Which is probably more often than we should let her.
Still waiting for those top teeth to come in. They are really giving her a hard time. She looks like a cross between Santa Claus and Rudolph. Red cheeks and a bright red nose. She mildly grumpy but still naps and sleeps at night. SO we consider ourselves lucky.
She is quickly outgrowing most of her winter clothes and has gone from chubby to slim and sleek as she slims down from all the exercise she gets now. She is going to be a tall one some day. For anyone wanting to purchase any spring/summer clothes for her 12-18 is the way to go now.
Belly's address will be changing in the next year or two. For those who know, we have finally found the land we are going to build on. In the one horse town of Carlyle (sp/?), NY. A lovely little 4 acre corner lot with a HUGE creek (I still say river not creek) that crosses the back of it and beautiful forests behind. We're excited about getting down to business with clearing and planting this summer. Also looking into doing the well and septic maybe this summer. Depends on many things. But anyway, she will be spending many weekends there with us digging in the dirt as well.
Well I can't think of anything else for now. I'll post some pictures above mom and dad took of belly in her crib. Enjoy.
Belly continues to refuse to get up on her knees. We suspect it's largely because she is working hard on her walking skills. Only one thing at a time, you know :) The other day, while mommy was changing her, she pulled herself up on her changing table to a standing position. Twice as a matter of fact. She refuses to do it for grandma. Much like the turning over issue when mommy spent months trying to get her to turn over for her. Eventually I'll catch her in the act!
She is quite the expert in her walker now. Flying around the house and beginning to get into everything. Well everything she can reach. She especially loves hanging around the dog crates visiting with the pups. They, of course, love the extra attention. She has outgrown her Rainforest Bouncer now. Why sit still and bounce when you can walk all over the house. She still prefers walking on our fingers when she can talk us into it. Which is probably more often than we should let her.
Still waiting for those top teeth to come in. They are really giving her a hard time. She looks like a cross between Santa Claus and Rudolph. Red cheeks and a bright red nose. She mildly grumpy but still naps and sleeps at night. SO we consider ourselves lucky.
She is quickly outgrowing most of her winter clothes and has gone from chubby to slim and sleek as she slims down from all the exercise she gets now. She is going to be a tall one some day. For anyone wanting to purchase any spring/summer clothes for her 12-18 is the way to go now.
Belly's address will be changing in the next year or two. For those who know, we have finally found the land we are going to build on. In the one horse town of Carlyle (sp/?), NY. A lovely little 4 acre corner lot with a HUGE creek (I still say river not creek) that crosses the back of it and beautiful forests behind. We're excited about getting down to business with clearing and planting this summer. Also looking into doing the well and septic maybe this summer. Depends on many things. But anyway, she will be spending many weekends there with us digging in the dirt as well.
Well I can't think of anything else for now. I'll post some pictures above mom and dad took of belly in her crib. Enjoy.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Cute Videos
How about two videos just for shits and giggles. One is Belly thinking well it's time I got to walking. We won't even try and get up on our knees now that we have discovered walking!!!! I guess we'll do like we did with rolling over. First we sit up then we roll over. I guess she knows what she's doing. Enjoy the videos..
Monday, January 14, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Another One
Well as I predicted tooth number two broke through yesterday. Without incidence, muss or fuss. Mommy found that one too. Any predictions as to when the top teeth will make their appearance?
We've also figured out how to go forward in our walker. Now to deal with the side to side thing. So far we can only go backwards and forwards until we hit an immovable object then we're stuck until someone comes along. We also LOVE to walk around . Not alone of course but holding onto someone's fingers. We are figuring out how to make our feet go. One foot in front of the other, such a clever girl :)
Well that's it for now. We're not in a very good mood today as we had a long trip to NYC yesterday and got up to early this morning. As I write this she is napping in her swing for a little while. Hopefully that will put her in a better mood until nap time. It's tough being a girl on the go.
We've also figured out how to go forward in our walker. Now to deal with the side to side thing. So far we can only go backwards and forwards until we hit an immovable object then we're stuck until someone comes along. We also LOVE to walk around . Not alone of course but holding onto someone's fingers. We are figuring out how to make our feet go. One foot in front of the other, such a clever girl :)
Well that's it for now. We're not in a very good mood today as we had a long trip to NYC yesterday and got up to early this morning. As I write this she is napping in her swing for a little while. Hopefully that will put her in a better mood until nap time. It's tough being a girl on the go.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
General Update
Okay, now that the Christmas stuff is done, on to some general updates on Belly's life.
Well we have finally grown into our walker and are spending much more time in it so we can learn how to navigate ourself properly. She's learning.
We do have some exciting news though. This happened a couple of days ago. Belly had one REALLY cranky nasty day only to wake the next morning with her first brand new tooth. Pics to come as soon as it can be seen when she smiles. She thinks it's pretty neat and is testing it on everything! Including our tender flesh LOL. She is sitting up unassisted and only occasionally topples to the side. But that will come shortly. We are also getting up on our knees now in preparation for crawling. We started that a few days ago too. Pics to come as soon as Grandma thinks to bring the camera downstairs when she is having tummy time. Now that our tooth is in we are much happier and spending alot of time playing with our news toys and really enjoy tummy time these days. So pretty soon she will be up on all fours and beginning to crawl. Life won't be the same around here once that happens!!!!
Let me see if I have forgotten anything? We really LOVE going bowling Tuesday nights. We LOVE the crowds of people and flirt with every there. We're almost ready to be in a stroller without the baby seat in it. We're going to try that shortly. She should enjoy that alot more. She'll be able to see the world better. Also we'll be looking for a backpack now as we've outgrown our snuggly and life will be fun atop mommy and daddy instead of lying down in a stroller. Little do they know how strong their backs will get *giggle*. Hmm anything else before I sign off? Nope I think that's it for now. If the Pitcher family wants any of their Christmas pics on here of their time with Belly email them along and I'll get them all up ASAP. Until the next update.
Well we have finally grown into our walker and are spending much more time in it so we can learn how to navigate ourself properly. She's learning.
We do have some exciting news though. This happened a couple of days ago. Belly had one REALLY cranky nasty day only to wake the next morning with her first brand new tooth. Pics to come as soon as it can be seen when she smiles. She thinks it's pretty neat and is testing it on everything! Including our tender flesh LOL. She is sitting up unassisted and only occasionally topples to the side. But that will come shortly. We are also getting up on our knees now in preparation for crawling. We started that a few days ago too. Pics to come as soon as Grandma thinks to bring the camera downstairs when she is having tummy time. Now that our tooth is in we are much happier and spending alot of time playing with our news toys and really enjoy tummy time these days. So pretty soon she will be up on all fours and beginning to crawl. Life won't be the same around here once that happens!!!!
Let me see if I have forgotten anything? We really LOVE going bowling Tuesday nights. We LOVE the crowds of people and flirt with every there. We're almost ready to be in a stroller without the baby seat in it. We're going to try that shortly. She should enjoy that alot more. She'll be able to see the world better. Also we'll be looking for a backpack now as we've outgrown our snuggly and life will be fun atop mommy and daddy instead of lying down in a stroller. Little do they know how strong their backs will get *giggle*. Hmm anything else before I sign off? Nope I think that's it for now. If the Pitcher family wants any of their Christmas pics on here of their time with Belly email them along and I'll get them all up ASAP. Until the next update.
And Now Some Christmas Videos
I figured it would be easier to put the videos under a separate posting. Enjoy...
Many Updates, First Christmas
I'm apologize for the serious laps in updates here. What with Holidays, a doggie passing in the family and then illness, it's been difficult, until now, to update this. But I finally have a few moments to catch up on things around here. So I have pics of Christmas along with a separate developmental update. So many new things learned and happy news. But first Christmas.
Belly had a wonderful Christmas and got SO many things. Probably to many but it's been so long since we had a new baby around we all went a little nuts. So be it. She deserves that and more. At least I think so :) I have pics and videos and will get to those now. Enjoy all.

Belly had a wonderful Christmas and got SO many things. Probably to many but it's been so long since we had a new baby around we all went a little nuts. So be it. She deserves that and more. At least I think so :) I have pics and videos and will get to those now. Enjoy all.
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